Lightweight User Reference Object for Securing APIs

Back in 2005, I was face with developing a Secure Set of APIs that could run in multiple deployment configurations. At the time we were heavily developing EJB’s, specifically Stateless Session Beans. We were also starting to deploy SOAP based Web Services, and we were also packaging these same APIs in the form of standalone Libraries.

On a side note this will be my first article on Information Security Topics and developing Secure Applications. I recently have become increasingly interested in Penetration Testing and other Information Security topics, and I am even enrolled in classes and other forms of training. I have created the Security Category on my blog to organize security related topics on this web site. Hope they will help all of us create more secure applications.

Combined with what I call the Data Services Architecture and the Resource Bundle / App Resource Manager framework, I was able to create an architecture leveraging Factories, Mediators, Data Access Objects, and Facades to hide from the calling clients which “Mode” the APIs were running in, whether it was EJB, Web Services, or simply running from a Locally deployed Library on the classpath.

I was faced with the challenge of ensuring that no matter which operating or deployment mode these APIs which numbers in the hundreds of individual API methods, were all secure. Not only did a calling application or user have to Authenticate with a Single Sign On Services provided by the firm, I also needed to create an Entitlements framework that would allow fine grain, down to the individual method level Authorizations for each API.

As any good Developer that has any exposure to basic Information Security and Defensive Programming Techniques, this means that we only want to login once, so that we do not have to pass credentials to each API we call, and in doing so the established design for doing so is the assignment of a Securely Randomized Unguessable Session ID. This ID does NOT have to be the HTTP Session ID, which in the case of my requirements was only available technically when developing the Web Services.

Also, depending on your Application Server configuration and firm standards, you probably are running on a multi node cluster and some load balancers do not work very friendly with HTTP Session Replication and again depending on firm development standards they make not even allow you to turn on Session Replication. And some may even have a requirement NOT to turn on session stickiness.

My solution was to develop two components, one is called the Stateless User Cache, which is responsible for creating and management Sessions across Clusters of Application Servers without App Server Session Replication, and also allows for the use of this Stateless User Cache to operate correctly in Standalone locally classpath deployed environments such as Library Mode.

We will go over Stateless User Cache in a future blog article in more detail, but I wanted to mention it hear, because it is tied to the Lightweight User Reference Object.

So basically I provide an API usually called ssoLogin which wraps the firms Single Sign On Service, whether its something like authenticating against LDAP or Active Directory, or something like a vendor product such as Site Minder.

The ssoLogin method will NOT return a User object which contains all entitlements, but instead will leverage the Stateless User Cache to create a new “Session” store the User object in that session, and return a “Reference” or “Pointer” object to that session.

In this case you can thing of it as an Object form of a Session ID.

The Class looks something like this:

public class UserRef implements Serializable


private String sessionId;

private long loginTimestamp;

private long lastTouchTimestamp;

private String userId; //Insecure if the user id is Private, see notes below.

//Getter and Setter methods…

//HashCode and Equals methods…


Basically as you can see the UserRef object provides 3 to 4 bits of information. The fourth, being the userId, can be the username or a unique surrogate key or even better a transient key that does not map to the real database stored user id.

However it can be the real username or surrogate key depending on the application security requirements. Let’s take for example the case of a Instant Messaging Application. The Username is public information an it makes sense for the client to have a list of usernames the currently login user has on their buddy or friends or contact list. In this case there is no real secure issue for storing the username in this field because it is public shared information.

However in applications where usernames and ids are not required or never needed to be shared, that we should leave this field Null, or remove it from the UserRef object itself.

One advantage to having the userId in the UserRef is if you have the same user or application logging in more than once, and you want to tie together different Session Ids to the same user, and for whatever requirement you have, it is needed by the client to be able to lookup the other sessions or in some way communicate with the other sessions.

Now as a side note, technically this user id whether real or transient and secure generated and mapped on the server side to the real underlying user id, does not need to be send back to the client. The unique session id is good enough, and you can store the user id for same user owned session ids on the server side, which is much more secure, but I have found by experience that in my enterprise applications sometimes I need to expose the username or user id to the client side, and I usually do this through UserRef. Again you need to perform Security Use Cases to determine if having this bit of information opens any vulnerabilities on your applications and any potential exploits can be created to take advantage of that vulnerability. One vulnerability this make open up is Username recon and collection and potential Spear Fishing attacks, or User Id enumeration if the Ids are insecurely generated such as simple sequence numbers.

In any case, the UserRef with at minimum the sessionId field is required, and the other information can be added or removed as you require for your applications, however the more the client side needs to do without communicating with the server, especially if the API suite is used by not only Web Applications but Desktop Applications, or perhaps Batch Applications and Server side Daemon Processes, the more information you may need to include in your lightweight User Reference Object.

The next step is to required all developers on your team to include the mandatory field UserRef in all their API methods as a required Parameter.

Than you can a combination of the Stateless User Cache if you have something similar to it, or the HTTP Session to use the UserRef object as the Key to lookup the full User object which contains User Entitlements.

In a future post I will do a write up on my Entitlements Object Model so you can see how I store Entitlements or Authorization information in memory.

Usually I will create methods such as public boolean hasAccess(UserRef userRef, String apiName) throws AppSecurityException;

And require all my developers to ensure in the Mediator or Facade code that hides all Data Access Objects and other Service Handler objects to firm check if the user has access to the method by ensuring they make a call to “hasAccess” first.

Its easy to do a code review or even write a script that automatically scans your source code to ensure every method has a call to hasAccess.

One important node is, of course the login method, in this case “ssoLogin” would normally be the only method that does not make a call to hasAccess as all users should have implicit access to this method, and even users that do not exist in your security databases or LDAP directories, will simply get a Login failed message.

Remember do not give potential hackers hints, if they guessed a username correctly. Instead use the generic Login Failure Message: “Username and/or Password are invalid.”

In this case the system does not give them a hint whether the username actual exists or if they simply got the password incorrect.

Finally the since the UserRef object is small, it has a smaller impact on I/O when transferring the object remotely via EJB or Web Services calls. Much smaller I/O footprint then passing the entire User object, which besides being highly insecure, also can be a performance issue.

Let me know what you think of my User Reference Object and solutions to securing APIs or for that matter any method you want secure. I would love to hear from Developers and Penetration Testers alike!

Finally, and I will probably write an entire post on this, but you can find plenty of information out their on the web. Make sure when you generate your own session id, you use secure randomization so the Session Id token is unguessable and incapable of being enumerated through a simple algorithm.

In Java there’s two very simple solutions, use the SecureRandom class and NOT the Math.random or Random class, or you can even use the UUID class to create a globally unique identifier.

Just another stream of Random Bits…

-Robert C. Ilardi

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