Another Class In the JAR, Part 1
I wrote this back when I was a lowly Senior Developer at Lehman Brothers. When I write code, both, now and back then, I listen to music, usually Metallica or Pink Floyd, and sometimes SiriusXM’s Octane (Yes, I had an Air Card for my laptop since 2005)…
Written By: Robert C. Ilardi Date: March 1, 2005 Obviously a parody of Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick in the Wall” (Technically it’s a parody of Part II) –
We don’t need no Project Management
We don’t need no Source Control
No Code sarcasm in the Cubicle
Managers leave them Programmers alone
Hey! Managers! Leave them Programmers alone!
All in all you’re just another Class in the JAR…
All in all you’re just another Class in the JAR…
For you non-Java Programmers out there, here’s some definitions for ya!
Class in general
Specifically a Java Class File
JAR in Java
Code or Source Code
Definition of Source Control
So to sum it up: Programmers write Code or “Source Code” in Cubicles, that Source Code is organized into Classes, and in Java, lots of classes are stored within a JAR File. Programmers do not like Project Management, and Project Managers like to make sarcastic remarks about programmers codes when standing above them in their Cubicles, while reminding them that all their source code changes better be in the Source Control System such as SVN or CVS!
Just Another Stream of Random Bits…
– Robert C. Ilardi